CrossFire PRO Shipping

@noboost4you Safety of our employees is our number one priority. Fortunately our manufacturing warehouse has enough space for us to properly keep workers distanced and we remain productive. Given that our sector is Machinery Manufacturing and we are not a public-facing business we are committed to staying open.

While this may change in the coming days, we remain at full production output for the time being.


S**t’s going down hill faster than an Olympic skier. I just hope we can get the last shipment of Box #2 that we need before even more closes. Our small business has taken a major hit over the past month, and I feel once we get the Pro up and running, we may be able to offset those negative margins. I hope #8922 can finally close out soon.

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Hang in there. I’m running my crossfire pretty hard right now as more people are shopping online


A rough day turned a little brighter with the shipment notification I just received. Thank you.

#8922 Box #2 on the way.


#8918 Box 2 is finally on the way. Can’t wait to start burning with the table


#8874 > Just got shipping notification & tracking number today for my final box #2. Scheduled to deliver on Thursday 3-26. :star_struck: It’s gonna be Christmas time here in March. :tada::+1:

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#8956 here, received all but Box 2, super excited to see some #89xx shipping notices!!

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I’m in batch 2 and got an email from LS that they are finishing up batch 1, and batch will be shipping soon. So you should be any time now!

8743…and still waiting

Seeing as people higher than you are getting box #2, you may want to check.

ooo…I know what it is…Canadian shipments…Langmuir are doing their best to save shipping costs by getting canadian orders together before sending them out…frustrating…but I understand.


#12031 Batch 2 here. My Razorweld 45 showed up a few days ago, and the laptop stand has been shipped and is in transit till Wednesday. Hopefully the THC and Table aren’t too far behind.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that the Razorweld 45 came with Crossfire CNC Compatible printed right on the box. It came with built in control ports as well as the connectors to the table controller box. (yea!! No cutting up wiring on a new torch and voiding the warranty before even using it…). I think it even has a 3 year warranty.
I really think it was a good move for Langmuir and Razorweld to team up in this fashion. It makes a more complete package, and takes some of the guesswork out.

After watching some plasma training videos, I kinda wish 60 or 75 amp torches were an option. I might have up-sold myself for more power…

Eagerly Waiting while I’m Self Isolating… :stuck_out_tongue:


I received my Razorweld 45 on Thursday and the Pro Laptop Stand on Friday. I was also surprised to see that Crossfire Compatible label on the box, but had not noticed the built-in control ports that you mention. That’s awesome I think.

From What I understand, the Table will be shipped in three separate boxes, and every optional item would be in a separate box as well. Since I also ordered the ATH, I am expecting now 4 more boxes. Still no email saying that they have shipped so no idea how long will it take for them to ship the table. I have someone coming on Monday to add a 220V outlet in my garage for the plasma cutter. Using this Corona Virus voluntary quarantine to watch some training videos on how to setup and do my first cut.:face_with_monocle:


on the original email receipt from Langmuir, there is a link ‘view your order’ to click on…
It brings up a separate page with shipping status and each item. I have My order status page pinned as a tab in my browser next to this forum… I check it often :grin: and cant wait!


Don’t expect the table to ship in the next week or 2 - they’re finishing up the last of Box 2 for batch 1 customers this week. Then we will start getting boxes 1 and 3, followed by box 2 (hardware, electronics, and a few other pieces). Based on how they did batch 1, batch 2 will probably go out in small batches based on order number… say 100 box 1 this week to the first batch 2 customers. The following week box 3. Then box 2. Then the next group of orders… maybe not, though. Speculation on my part from what I’ve seen.

Will there be a posted schedule of the batch 2 box delivery estimates like there was provided for batch 1?

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Has anybody in the 9000’s of order 1 got box 2 as of yet? Just wondering when I can go to work haha things are nuts right now!

Just got my Box #2 shipping notice!! Hang in there. I 've had box 1/3/THC sitting there for what feels like months.

9024 box #2 on its way, now i can start my projects

Just got shipping notice that eveything is on the way to Canada for my table…batch 1 #8743…expected delivery date April 2…
The roar of the crowd here is unbelievable…actulaay there is no crowd…but my wife has asked me to stop running around the house screaming like a little girl…