Crossfire Pro Questions

There are pictures in this thread. Pictures of RAW Voltage wiring on Everlast 52I

It’s not that difficult. Connect the torch on off cable to pins 1&2 on the CNC port on the back of the plasma. That cable gets plugged into the torch on/off port on the electronics enclosure.

Remove the cover from the plasma and connect the raw voltage cables to the lugs behind the torch and work clamp connections. Red wire goes to the work clamp side and the black goes to the torch side. I used ring connectors crimped to the end of the wires and cut the torch side connector into a U to avoid having to remove the air line.

Those wires get plugged into the color matched ports on the face of the VIM box. Then a cable goes from the PV out port on the VIM to the THC port on the electronics enclosure.