Crossfire Pro IHS assebly wiring

Good morning,
A while back I was at the end of a project and the entire torch lead and IHS wiring got hung around the side of the table. I’m pretty sure it mangled some of the wires before I was able to shut it off. Anyways, I finished that job with the grinder and haven’t touched the table in months. Now I am trying to use it, and getting the IHS error. I started troubleshooting after reading other posts and jumped the pins in the connection point at the box. The IHS Green light went off when jumped. Then I moved to the connection point just north of the torch assembly, where the wire connections are. If I disconnect and jump the leads heading to the box, the light goes away. So my issue is in the few inches of wires right by the assembly, and I can’t figure out how to get the assembly apart to look at the connectors “inside” all that metal. It “looks” ok from the sides, but obviously I need to get there. Any help with this would be appreciated.


it looks like one wire is connected to the “switch” and the other is just floating around in thin air? Have you been able to reconnect them? If you are able to jump the switch out and the IHS light goes out it is in the wiring to the switch or the contacts. Since it happened as part of a n “accident” I am going with the wire is yanked out.

The wires you can see there were unplugged during my testing today. They were not ripped out like that, haha. Im dumb, but not that dumb. :grin:.

OK just had the picture to judge from… What happens if you unplug the wires and move the torch up and down? Should see the circuit open and close.

I found the stock connectors to be an issue on my table. I replaced them to create a better connection. Several of the wire strands on the original connector were severed and it was causing an intermittent issue. Once replaced I have been good to go. Might be worth doing to eliminate one potential item if the switch does not check out with circuit testing. Could check wires directly as part of the testing if replacing the connectors.

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