Crossfire pro cutting errors due to thc (Air Delivery Was The Problem) SOLVED

i am a new cross fire pro user and i am having a issue with the thc giving me a error for cutting voltage lost during cut i had seen somewhere that if the air pressure drops below 60 on the razorcut45 it can cause a similar problem. before the cut my air input on the razor weld is sitting at 80 and then when it starts it drops below 60 quickly and finally the machine throws the cutting lose voltage error could this be the problem or is this something else causing this. my air supply is at 120 on my compressor and holds there and the filter dryer and air regulator at the plasma is at 100 and maintains this as it cuts

you definitely have too much air flow restriction. What size fittings are you using? Most also turn up the internal regulator on the rw45 i did mine set way to low.

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everything is 3/8

how long of a run do you have from the compressor to the plasma? There is a button on the front of the plasma that makes the air run. i would take the cover off the plasma turn it on and adjust the regulator till it stays about 75 while air is running.

May not be air, may be pierce delay…what do you have that set at? Sometimes I throw an error on my first pierce. Usually just retry, generate and it works the second time, Never had to mess with the internal air on my rw

he definitely has bad pressure drop. the blow back can’t work with that low of air pressure.


pierce delay is set at .5 s. it will take off at the start and make it roughly through 15 inches of cutting before it has its issues i will go try and turn up the internal regulator on the plasma and control the air pressure with the filter dryer. i can also try and disconnect the filter dryer for a quick cut and see if the problem goes away

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the larger the hose and fittings you can use will be best. i also have dry air tanks that i pull out off so i dont have so much restrictions involved. i use a screw on filter on the back of the plasma to catch the rust dust out of dry tanks.

I disconected the filter dryer and just ran from the compressor and had the same issue it stopped on the same spot in the cut as before

I am going to try and turn the internal regulator up in the plasma it self. And run it again coukd it be a ground issue with the machine interfering with the thc. If i disable the thc it will go through the entire cut

Could but is air pressure still dropping? How big is your compressor? Are you running a laptop while charging?

No computer is not conected to a charger. Made it through one cut after uping the pressure but pressure is droping to 60 everytime.

Checked the continuity between the port on the box and the frame and i am now getting continuity there i emailed langmuir since that what it says to do anyvone familiar with what the fix is for that

Look at the plug where the USB connects it it touching the metal box?

Still need to also address air pressure drop. How big is your air compressor?

Plug is not touching the box.

30 gallon air compressor 5.6 cfm and 90 psi

I would think a small 30 gallon compressor probably can’t keep up with the air use. Just a thought. Does pressure drop anywhere else in the system or just at the cutter?

most go with the 60gallon compressors

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I cranked up my compressor and got the air pressure to hold above 70 had to eliminate the fikter dryer for now. I am going to try and run a cut tonight that has stopped at the same spot each time

Looks like i need a bigger air compressor.

You can do some cutting with a compressor that size but you will burn through your consumables pretty quick with the warm wet air. I made my fist cuts with a 6cfm compressor… You will want at least double what you have now cfm wise. Still, that is allot of pressure drop in your lines. I am using a 3/8 hose and I get 5 psi drop when I hit the set air button. I suppose the 30 gallon tank and small compressor is not keeping up.

You may need to pause between some cuts to let the compressor catch up. Space bar is the hot key for pause in fire control.

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What you can do is use the 30gal tank now and add to whatever compressor you get next and make it as an extra storage tank so say you get a 60gal then add the 30 inline that would give you 90gallons of storage so your compressor will run less. But you will still need to get a larger CFM compres

Monitor the air pressure on the front of the cutter while its cutting and see if it drops below spec when the cutting stops


Thanks for the help. Looking into bigger compressors. gives me a reason to upgrade to something bigger. The one i have now is probabaly 20 years old anyways i was just trying to get buy with it for now with small projects

Thanks for the help it was the compressor that was causing issues. I have been able to cut a few things now with pausing the cut and allwoing the air compressor to catch up then resume my cut.

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