Creating g code

I am having trouble creating g code, I tried following online tutorials but I find they are too fast and the steps do not seam to the same as mine. any help would be great, thanks

It would help others help you if you told us what equipment and software tools you’re using.

crossfire pro, fusion 360, windows 10 and razorcut 45

If you post your DXF you’re working on I could take a better look.

Here’s a generic F360 walkthrough.

Is it going too fast?
Here’s how to slow it down

What steps can you preform so far?


Now I get through post process, I click post and I am not able to save it to my computer, am I missing a step?

When you hit post it will save to the output folder

mine is here . the circled part is a different name for you.
f260 nc file
when you post this message pops up briefly in the corner.
f260 nc file 3

This is your “Save” folder

thanks, thats all looking familiar, but I can’t seem to find it in fire control, any thoughts?

Search files on your computer.

Search “*.nc”

All files that have the extension .nc will show up with their locations.

When you load a file in fire control navigate to one of these locations and select the file.

Or in fusion 360 you could choose a different output folder.

This is falling into the realm of standard Windows file system navigation.
There will be many many videos on how to use the file management system in Windows.

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I can find in my files but when try to find it in fire control its no where to be found

Screenshot exactly what pops up when you click the upload button in fire control.

Wait a minute I think I got it! I will let you know

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awesome! got it figured out but now I can’t get the torch to fire, solenoid clicks, air starts to flow but no arc

It’s all good, turned up the air pressure and voltage, thanks for all your help

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Under the Post heading, the field is blank. I don’t see any option for Firecontrol (as shown). How is this done?

In listed options, I see nothing for Langmuir or FireControl.

Is that something created in Machine Configuration?


you have to use Fusion360 or Sheetcam with the post processor for Firecontrol in order to do anything…

I’m not a Fusion user, but I’ll try to help. You have to click on the file folder next to the post field. Then select “local” and find the folder where you downloaded the Firecontrol v1.6 post processor from the Langmuir downloads page. Perhaps @TinWhisperer could be of more help with the exact process.

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You’ll have to go to the langmuir homepage and download the post processor for fire control 1.6
Like @ds690

Here’s a video I made about installing that post processor.

See if that’s helps you out.

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Thank you sir. Found it in the 13th hour. I’ve probably watched 50 hours of Fusion et al videos and not one covered this part. Maddening. Got the G code into FireControl then had this pop up.

After another hour +, found the toggles buried in a sub menu, somewhere. I’m loosing my mind.
Thought I could punch out a few parts after finishing designing. Four hours later, my brain is mush. Time for therapy…

Thanks again Tin man. Keeping the fire stoked…

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