Here we are again. 6 months since the last communication regarding any updates to Cut Control despite Langmuir saying “the next few months will be very exciting for Cut Control”. Come on Langmuir, get your act together!
No patches despite a list of bug reports, no updates what-so-ever as to any further development or even a hint of a new version or even just fixes. We’ve requested periodic updates, anything indicating that SOMETHING is being worked on or progressing but all we get are crickets.
Agreed. At least fix the “Machine has reached soft limits jogging further is not possible” when jogging axis. It never did that before, it just politely stopped with no further intervention. They broke that in the last update. Maybe give us a parameter to disable that error in machine settings. What I really need is cutter comp…
Agreed…absolutely ridiculous and irresponsible. They obviously bit off way more than they could chew. I almost regret buying this machine, except that it still works despite their lack of attention. Still considering swapping the controller just so I can have some reasonable functionality, just shouldn’t have to pay hundreds more dollars to get what we should already have.
well i am still a happy customer, once i swapped out the limit switches with the new ones and machine has been working great. I get they have issues, but as another software person, i also assume they have outsourced dev and that team is working on the press.
If thats the case then there would be some iota of progress fixing bugs, adding new features, improving current features, talking about upcoming changes, annoucements, updates, SOMETHING. Instead they say and I quote “the next few months will be very exciting for cut control” and then completely stopped communicating for 6 months now. Despite several people specifically asking for status on any updates.
They did a fairly good job on hardware but their software development is completely non-existent. Despite advertising;
“milling cycles” - cycles are not supported.
“Our team of incredible software developers are working constantly to add new features and optimizations while improving the user experience.” - this team of developers are extremely slow and apparently can’t take 5 min every other month to post on their official forums any information their customers are requesting. And to say they’ve refocused on a new product and left their current customers in the trenches is tantamount to saying “We’ve got their money, eff’em”. Thats now how you build a reputation to be proud of, unless you just don’t care.
Personally, I don’t need anything other than “hey guys its been a while but we’re working on it still.” Instead of “we have a lot of new things coming out in the next few months” then dissapear and ignore people asking for some kind of sign of progress.
Sure their software makes the machine move but it has several bugs, most of which have been reported, which makes their software only useable if users adapt to the required workarounds.
I don’t mean to rant here BUT (yes theres always a but) this thread has been up for 3 days and still nothing out of Langmuir.
Going directly to them and asking, that is a very valid point if I want an answer.
However, that gives a single person an answer and only after asking. Why do we/I have to ask for updates? People have BEEN requesting updates and getting clearly frustrated for months.
Why say things are going to be happening and exciting then go quiet?
Well you could contact them and report back to others .
Another thing to consider is. Have you tried to hire or outsource work these days ? It isn’t easy.
Just because they are not responding to you here doesn’t mean you are lied to. Those are very harsh words. They may be working through issues to provide what you want.
You can use the @ and whoever’s name it will notify about their mention on a thread. Like I said earlier you could tag them in the thread and maybe get a response. Afterall they could be working hard to provide the best updates for you instead of pounding keys on the forum to give you excuses of why then it is taking longer.
I’m not Langmuir and no one other than Langmuir should be making announcements or providing status updates to their customers about their products. Customers should not have to rely on other customers to relay information from the manufacturer. period. That’s no way to relay information to Customers.
I had another long reply to you but I think ultimately its unnecessary. I’ve condensed it to the following;
Whatever the reason, I don’t really care. I just want to know they are still working on CC and are going to develop the software further. Just let us know @langmuir-daniel that its not been forgotten.
As a prospective customer who is weighing different options, this is very disappointing to read. I will be holding off on my purchase until Langmuir offers up some reassurance on the Cut Control development cycle.
My two cents as an engineer with a long history in the software and electronics industries: Six months is a really long time to go without any incremental software updates or bug fixes, especially after explicitly communicating to customers that the dev team is “focused on making smaller, but more frequent software releases”. To make that statement in April and then immediately go completely silent for 6 months is frankly very alarming to me.
Yeah, i think people are less worried about the software than the lack of updates about the software. I assumed it woud take a while to get another bug fix update, but someone from Langmuir should at least stick their head in to confirm or deny if there will be another one.
Hey Gentlemen, just wanted to say that we are still working on updates to CutControl but don’t have an ETA for release yet. The main focus of the company has been on developing new machines and products so that’s where our programmers have spent most of their time. Myself and the other techs have been putting a wish list/bug report together so that we can get all of your feedback included in the next few releases.
The good news is that we’ve recently hired a new software engineer who is very sharp and he plans to make CutControl his focus as he gets up to speed. I’m hoping that will help accelerate our release schedule so that we can be more active in helping you guys out.
Thank you, Jake. Please, for the sanity of those of us who don’t want to seek out alternative control solutions. Could someone from the team provide a short post every few months that there is still something going on in development?
Absolutely. The tech support team is still getting into the swing of checking the forums more so we’ll be working with the programming team to give better updates.
I realize maybe you think this is a valid reason to put us on the back burner, but it’s not. You have our money, and you’ve made your promises. So you need to finish one thing before starting another. Your paying customers are being ignored and that’s not OK. It’s not a good feeling to be forgotten and left in the dark while you guys refocus…what happens to owners of those new machines when other new machines are being developed? Seems like they’ll be in the same boat, as you can’t even keep the MR1 going, you certainly won’t be able to do it with a multitude of new products.
What features are you specifically looking to see included in the next release? We’ve had a SW consultant working on cutter comp implementation for that last 6 months and I can tell you that it isn’t close, thats a big lift. What other features are you looking to have added?
Multiple tools in a single post is the biggest thing I’ve been waiting for from the very start. I don’t understand how you even released the machine for sales without cutcontrol being complete. I don’t personally care much about cutter comp, though I can see it would be helpful for some people, it wasn’t even in your initial roadmap for cutcontrol.
I don’t know why you guys reinvented the wheel anyway, there are excellent off-the-shelf controllers and open-source software that offer so much more - if it wasn’t going to cost me so much time and money, I’d have converted already, and sill likely might as I’ve pretty much given up on seeing any improvements.
Micro, what am I missing here? I dont understand your usage case?
What applications do you do where posting multiple tools is important but cutter compensation isnt? For me, posting for each tool takes an extra minute when im prepping for a part, but not having cutter compensation requires more work when im sneaking up on tolerances (like thread milling).
Also, Daniel probably wont want to say this, but I will – CutControl was intended for “user friendliness” more than being a “be-all, do-all” solution. I think thats just the way they designed the product and it is what it is. For right or wrong, you are probably in the minority with what you are asking for from a hobbyist, non-ATC machine. Im not picking at you, i just dont think you are going to be happy with this, given your expectations. No disrespect intended.
#2 an option to turn off all the weird pop-ups. A check box to allow us to decide which messages to ignore?
#3 canned cycle support - this one has been a nightmare for those of us who have to write our own post-processors or the ones whose CAM programs simply don’t support long code, every control known to man supports cycles, except CC.
#4 fix the probing routines. - see bug fixes.
My issue with Langmuir is i bought this machine with the expectation that it is still being developed and the software would improve rapidly. I mean, you guys advertise it as having a team of software developers constantly adding new features and improvements. CLEARLY that isn’t the case. This isn’t the first machine I’ve purchased that was experimental/early development and I can tell you Langmuir is way way behind the curve.
I do look forward to the day when Langmuir can focus on CC but i fear they will just move focus to their next product like they did with MR1.