Combining sketch's in Fusion

So I am working on a sign and some how I accidentally made part of it in a different sketch.

I have no idea how I did that, but I must have done something wrong when I quit for the day and I was saving stuff.

Anywho, now I see that there are 2 different sketch’s and I would like to “merge” them into one sign.

Is this possible?

If so, how?

see if this method works for you.


You can also use the project tool in the sketch workspace to project a sketch that was made earlier in time to the current sketch. But the purple sketch lines created by the project tool are not editable in the current sketch.


You can copy and paste. Edit the sketch you want to move copy all the geometry then exit that sketch. Then edit the second sketch and paste the geometry there.


Ok guys, i havebeen trying the suggestions above, but it is not going great.

I did get the part of the one sketch onto the other.

But now, I cant seem to move it around.

the best way to descibe what is going on is it’s “jerky”.

the little dots that make up the picture seem to “fluctuate in color” and it will not move when i use the 'move/copy" function.

Here is what it looks like currently

I can get the “move directions” to show up, it won’t actually move.

You will just have to cut it as is! :rofl:

There is something that is either “fixed” or “constrained”. Others would be able to pinpoint it.
My work-around is to select the item you want to move, click on the box to “Create Copy”, then move. Now go back and select the original and delete it.

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I can however “spin it” for some reason.

Now that I have not seen before. Can you move it by clicking/holding on the square?

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Clicking/holding on the square lets me move the "compass rose "(? name) but the object will not move.

like so.

You are going to need to share your f3d.

Why won’t you ever share your f3d? It will not give me access to your credit card…and if it does I won’t spend too much money at Home Depot. You will barely notice the first few purchases!!!

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Hahahah…Good luck with that CC, it probably has $3 left on it…

Ask and Ye Shall receive…

Bobby v5.f3d (570.2 KB)

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You have to be in “Edit Sketch” mode to make the changes I suggested.
Select, Move, Create Copy, then actually move:

I then selected the original again and deleted. Now you can select the worm and move it where you want but remember to “Edit Sketch” to move.
Bobby v5Chelan.f3d (564.8 KB)

You are likely to have some issues with that cut because it is a double line. It might work. If it doesn’t you might be best to trace on another sketch with a single line down the middle. This is common with SVG files.

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Jim, how do I get to “edit sketch” then?

I thought I was already there. here is what it looks like when I “right click” the sketch.

I was hoping if I made it bigger I could cut it out, but you might be right about tracing over it. I’ll have to kick that around a little.

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You are in “edit sketch” mode already that is why it has this at the top:

So if you have selected what you want to move, then type “M” for move but don’t move yet. Click on “Create Copy” before you attempt to move.

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You will be okay if the smallest gap (material remaining that supports with pieces) in these areas are at least 0.12 inches:

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Yea I will have to go over it and make sure they are

Looks like you are getting a handle on it now. To clarify my earlier post what I meant was to use “CRTL C” to copy and “CRTL V” to paste in the main sketch. It also has to be in edit mode. Both have to be in edit mode.


Your input was accurate and appreciated. I just wanted to see if I could get RunsWithScissors to supply his f3d file. :rofl:

I ask him every other day…seems like! :nerd_face:


Sorry, you’re too young to see it! :thinking: :beers: