Clamping down material - binder clips!

Cool! Let us know how it works!

@Casper can you explain more about the silicone splash guards you mentioned?

I see Casper cursing the magnets as he tries to clean off all the floating metal particles that stick to it…

Someone had found these silicone funnels work good for reducing splash. CNC plasma table silicon torch shield (cheap!)

I use magnets frequently while welding and use an air hose to blow the particles off.

I use magnets (with baggies, of course) mounted just below both of the grinding wheels on the grinder I use for my turning tools. When they get too ‘fuzzy’, I bring the bracket to my bin, pull off the ‘baggy’ and all the filings fall neatly into the bin. I generally don’t like metal ‘particles’ floating around in my woodshop that also serves as an electronic shop.


What a great idea! I say we call it the MATTCLIP.

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gone to revive this thread for others to see…this is one of the handiest little mods to use when cutting thin metal…like hand saws…

these are the greatest !!!