Centering a part on Plasma cutter

I have an existing circular piece of metal and would like to use my plasma cutter (I have an XR) to cut a center hole on this part. What are my options for centering the plasma cutter over the part?

Jog it over and zero it.

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Some lasers would really help you find the edge more easily. Machine Torch Holder - Beck Tools


How close do you need to be?

Unless this is a trick question? The objective is too simple, just like trying to center over a sheet of steel.

Does the XR have some special function that requires a series of steps to forcibly start cutting elsewhere?

I don’t own an XR. This is posted in the Crossfire section though…

Since the hole lacks metal to be assured of the centering, you need to accurately measure the diameter/radius of your circular piece of metal. Using lasers like Beck suggested, you can center off the edge of the disc if positioned with a square that is squared to the table.


find the work piece’s center with a ruler and a right angle, mark it with a

This shows you how to find the center of your work piece.

Then jog your torch then center torch tip to the cross’ 2 lines. Zero X and Y, then set your work origin to the center of your circle. Your cross lines need to align to the tables x and y axis.


Another method: Use a 3D printed nose cone that attaches to the end of the torch like @ds690 made/makes. (Perhaps he will drop by and show a photo).


By slowly lowering the torch, repositioning the metal plate until the cone is securely centered in the hole. Now “zero all axes” and set your program origin to the center of your image.


Thank you for the link, I appreciate it!


I am going to give this a go, thank you!

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Drill press and a center finder! :roll_eyes: :thinking: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

let us know how it goes.

The 3D printed pointer looks like a good idea.