Can't select body of SVG in Fusion 360

Do you have a cut chart in the user manual? I tried to look up the specs so I could get you a guess, but they don’t publish the output voltage in their specs.

Try searching the forum. Anything I say would just be a guess.

Edit: I did a quick search, there are a few users on here that use the 60i maybe ask one of them.

I know @Macguyver has had good luck with it.

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Ok great thanks, I’ll ask around!

I tried uploading the manual I have but the file is too big. It’s actually for the A40i and the A60i but the cut chart in it is what I use.

Here’s a link to it.


Thanks for sending this! Really helpful. Have you noticed good results by using their recommended pierce delay? Or is that something you adjust based on your own experience? For example, for Mild Steel for the A60i it mentions that .5in should have a 0.75 pierce delay. Do you typically follow the pierce delays on the chart? Thanks!

Your welcome. The chart will put you in the ballpark but some adjustments are needed to fine tune it. Pierce delays are very close but I’ve found the pierce height and cut height need to be lowered some to get the best cuts. I had issues with bevel and dross at .19 and lowering the torch some improved the cuts a lot. Once you get things dialed in it cuts really nice.


nice, I will experiment around with the settings. Thanks again!

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Does the amount of extrude in fusion 360 for the design alter how it is cut on the machine? Or is it ok to use the same amount of extrude no matter the thickness of metal being cut?

Sorry one more thing, do you know why some of the passes were ignored here?

heres my f3d and dxf
marnic sign.f3d (585.8 KB)
mar-nic-black.dxf (280.0 KB)

It is leaving that geometry out because it is too small to cut when it calculates the lead in, kerf width ect. You would need to scale this up or change the design a bit.
See explanation below.

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Yes this is okay. The amount you extrude does not have any effect on your tool path

Ok thanks, and Where can i set the ihs height? I’ve noticed sometimes the torch hits the metal and sometimes it resets to the proper height