Too late. Dam it.
This is the one I got. It is working out really well and has enough space on the top for printer, double stack of AMS units and room to spare.
It’s too late. It was an impulse buy. We have a Harbour Freight in town here. I have never been there. I guess I should take a trip with my CC.
Yes, have never been there before. I actually like the box that @Sticks posted.
I have been binge-watching Bambu YouTube videos all day. I did some simple stuff on Fusion and sent the STL files to Bambu Studio. I set them up as far as possible without loading the machine.
Hopefully, they will start shipping the Titan this week and get my X1 Carbon, too.

Oops!!! Didn’t read high enough to see you already dropped seven big ones.
Now you are spoiling all of our fun. We are suppose to be talking YOU into buying things. If you keep buying things without having us twist your arm…now where’s the fun in that for us!?
I may take it back tomorrow and go to Harbor Freight.
Hopefully, they will have the one @Sticks posted.
I will report back on my trip to the cheap tool Disney World.
The website says that Chattanooga has one in stock.
Floor model usually, call ahead.
+1 for calling ahead. Some bigger HF stores stock boxes. Ours doesn’t stock any you have to order.
Erik: Same with our store and the one that is 60 miles away. The managers at both stores told me the only reason that they might have one in stock is because someone ordered it and changed their mind.
The Chattanooga store says it has 3 in stock. I will call in the morning.
I now remember why you need the tall cabinet: BigDaddy —> BigFoot
Yep. It is all coming together for me
Well, I got everything I ordered from Bambu except for the Printer—all the spares, nozzles, plates, and filament reels.
They ship the actual printer by itself. It’s in Needles, California, right now on the way to Tennessee.
Monday morning delivery I hope.
Off the subject Bigdaddy2166 story
I was in Needle California 40 years ago on my Harley. I pulled off the road to use a pay phone. I parked the bike and walked over to the phone. It had no dial.
It was a party line of like five pay phones in the middle of the desert. I picked it up and the operator waited for me to put in the money.
Man, things have changed.
Yep - pay phones bring back the days of horrible memories of trying to reach friends and family while on vacation or meeting up somewhere.
My Bambu printer was way off from the delivery date “promised.” Not really ‘promised’: estimated. I know that my printer made it to Washington state and then the next day had the tracking say it was back in Portland again. That was on a Friday. I did not get it until Monday, if I remember correctly.
@ChelanJim You should have gotten on their forum and demanded updates every day the shipping date wasn’t met.
Too funny. I wrote a full reply for that Titan thread and then decided to delete it.
I worked in the service industry (healthcare) for most of my life. 90% of the time, we were understaffed. Amazingly, the patients would blame us, the actual workers, from delaying their care.
So I am have empathy for the people that are actually doing the work.
At first I had the usual attitude, of “just wait guys.”
But towards the end I agreed that they should take just a couple minutes to say “we hit a snag, we are working on it. We hear you guys.” That’s the world we live in now, everyone expects constant information.
I took my car to a body shop and they asked if I wanted a picture of it every night to track the progress. I was like, uhh, maybe when I was 16. Told them don’t even bother. lol.
But yeah, don’t take orders you can’t produce.
and instant gratification.
Blame Google and Amazon for that.
I gotta say, this location where I am at, the absolute worst in 5 years and 10 different job sites for Amazon deliveries. 5 day minimum, some up to 9, as compared to the 1-2 day I was getting at home.
I was not real popular with the bosses during the years. You are right, there is a mechanism to limit the frustration with waiting: be truthful of the wait time.
Doctors would call with a new referral and there were already 10 referrals waiting for us to make their first visit. The ‘bosses’, none making visits would say “Medicare expects us to get out there in 48 hours. We have got to do better. We have ads for hiring but no one is applying.”
The only reason I was not fired for saying what I said was I did a good job, I knew the guidelines and they would have trouble replacing me. But I would say:
- “You should be telling the doctors what the true wait time was going to be. Allow them to choose to NOT leave the referral with us.” Medicare would be okay with this because there was a time when I was a manager and the only Physical Therapist. I had this discussion with them and they said that is how I would handle my vacation leave. Eventually, this is what they started doing a few years ago.
- I would also explain to management that our first obligation is to take care of the patients that we are currently seeing and not jeopardize their care for the sake of adding another patient.
- “Pay more money for part-time therapist to fill in for the overload times.” There response: We don’t do that with the nurses. I say: Apples and Oranges. When I left, everyone got a contractual 20% pay raise. I knew this was in the works and it had nothing to do with me. They were having trouble across the board trying to keep and recruit not only Therapist but also nurses.
I hope you have better luck than I have so far with Bambu, I placed my order on 6/4 and the printer started shipping from ScCal a few days after and I’m in NorCal it took 15 days to get around 2 hours away and then something happen, and the package didn’t move.
I open a support ticket week ago and that started UPS to start looking for the package, but UPS is done and it’s not found.
I send an email back to support few days ago and no reply. It seems crazy they have no way to call them that I know of and no response from them.
Everything else was delivered weeks ago. Not good I don’t like how they are handling everything.
I ordered my printer in mid Dec 2023 and received it mid to late January of this year.
What are you going to do??? My strategy is to be patient and understand that if it never arrives VISA will get my money back from the company.
As it has turned out, the printer has been a joy to have and operate. I think their ETA is either an “average” response or a marketing rounding error.