Best font to cut with better than stencil?

I use stencil font to cut but would like a fancier style to cut with ? I’m trying to cut a sign for a good friend of mine BLANCHARDS GARDENS … Any ideas ??

Use whatever font you want and modify the letters to prevent dropouts.


I have never used a stenciled font that I can recall. I always just stencil them myself.

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Might find one here. You just download and add TTF to windows. normally its located here -

1001 Free Fonts | Download Fonts

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so this is where you need to learn to modify the fonts…
you can do this in your design software…
here is an example that took me around 30 seconds…it does need to be cleaned up…but any font can be modified…


Draw a line where you want to have a bridge and offset another line off of that line. Then just remove lines in the middle. That’s basically what @toolboy is saying doing. Little painful the first time but super simple.

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30 secs? That I would love to see. :rofl:


I may be old…but I am slow!!!..


This is good site also.

Fancy > Stencil, Army fonts |

have to watch some of them don’t seem to work in fusion.

Don’t like the “K” on this one

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A lot of those stencil fonts have letters that are unnecessarily stenciled, like that K. I get that it’s just a look for some of them.

I’ve seen some posts where people have clearly added bridges to letters that don’t need to be bridged. I’ve also seen some where the letters were “positive” and the centers of things like P and B were stenciled anyway.


DaFonts has several fonts that are already modified as stencils. I agree with other posters, you can modify the letters in Inkscape to prevent dropouts. I just change the text to an object, draw a rectangle over the area I want to connect and then use union or difference command to get the effect you want (it varies which command works depending on the drawing context. CTRL-Z is your friend). And then grab the vector handles to clean up the cut. I can do a quick video if anyone is interested. It is super easy and I do it once for the letters that need help and then copy that edit to every other location of the same letter for consistency


Sure…All kinds of cool things to learn about fonts. Took me a few months to find me an easy way to do horizonal letters in Fusion. Never stop learning!


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