Beginning set up

We are very new to all of this and would really appreciate some advice. We have our system assembled, purchased our laptop, what is the first software we should download? We will mostly use to fabricate brackets, my husband is a chassis fabricator for racecars. If someone could just steer us in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!!

You need fire control to run the table. Then you need a cad and a cam program. Most I would say use fusion 360 it does both. Many people either struggle with it or don’t like it have went other ways. You can use any cad program that will create dxf or svg files then either use f360 to cam or create the codes or use a program called sheetcam to create gcodes.

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If you are just using table to cut brackets, I would suggest Benetech software. Very easy to learn and I use sheet Cam to create Tap file. Go on the innerweb and check out Benetech software a lot of you tube videos on it.

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@rat196426 did you mean Bend-Tech?

When I Googled Benetech all sorts of companies came up none of which seem to do anything CAD related.

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If you haven’t already done so, review of these info sets will help you get going with the software side of designing and cutting.

Software Workflow | Langmuir Systems

CAD/CAM with Fusion360 | Langmuir Systems

Good luck!


Sorry for misspelling. Bend-tech a lot of YouTube videos.