Assembly Questions

I’ve got my table 95% assembled, I’m really just waiting on the water tray to complete it. I’ve got a couple questions.

  1. are the legs supposed to be square all the way around? I want to build a shelf for below but the lower portion of the legs is about 0.25” closer then the top of the legs. This is the case all the way around.

  2. the torch holder assembly that rides on the gantry is not square to the table, is there a way to correct this? Also with that being said, not all of the bearings are riding on the gantry at the same time. There’s a bit of play in it. Everything else seems to have gone together just fine.

Hi Jason,

  1. That is pretty typical. The squareness of the square tubes that form the frame dictates how perpendicular the legs will be. As you can probably guess, ERW square tube is never perfectly square. When you build the shelf, build it so that it straightens the legs out. 1/4" is not much deflection over that distance.

  2. The fact that there is play in the bearings and that the torch mount is not square to the table leads me to believe that it was shifted during shipping. The process to correct it is pretty straightforward. Check out this thread for the process: Torch square to table adjustments


Awesome. Thanks for the quick reply. The assembly vids, the product and the customer service are some of the best I’ve been part of. Thanks for the assistance!

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