Are units being shipped by order number?

Are units being shipped by order number? What order number are you on?

Hi Tom,

Including today, we have shipped out the first 80 machines. That of course is less than our goal production rate, but we have approximately 50 machines on the racks that are assembled and ready to be boxed up and shipped. It also took longer than expected to find quality employees to man our assembly and packaging lines. Based on time studies done on our line, we should be able to get out 20 machines a day quite easily. It was slow going at first because it was the first time that all of our tooling and processing were used and tweaks were needed that slowed us down.

So far we have gotten feedback from a large handful of the initial recipients and so far everyone is seeming to hit the ground running once their machines arrive. We had some issues with our packages taking a serious beating, but we completely redesigned our packaging strategy and so far our box is fairing much better.

In short, we are working hard and fast everyday to get these out to our customers! Thanks for your patience.


It sounds like the order numbers don’t exactly line up with unit numbers. (I know I paid for shipping in a separate order and I assume other items are mixed in the numbers as well.)

I understand that you can’t given an estimate on when orders will actually ship, but is there any way we can get an update on the highest order number currently shipped? I’m number 1094 and I’ve been hitting refresh on Facebook and the forums a few times per day and looking through the comments to see if anyone else posts a shipped order number update.

I’m guessing that others would similarly love to see the equivalent of a progress bar moving across the screen, even if it starts off moving pretty slowly at first.

Hi Brent, the order numbers aren’t exactly sequential for a few different reasons. But i just checked and order 1095 should be going out today as long as UPS has enough room on their truck.

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Ok, good to know that that’s not a viable way to track progress. Thanks for the order update though. Hoping that even if 1095 doesn’t fit today, my order (1094) does. If so, sorry 1095! :wink:

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Thanks for the update Langmuir, so this weeks schedule is to ship out another 80?

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Brent, did yours end up shipping yesterday?

Yep! His went out yesterday. The UPS truck was completely full. Hoping to get another full truck out today.


Well good! Glad Brent’s got shipped. My order number is 1092, guessing mine will go out today then?

Just realized that we haven’t sent out shipping notifications from yesterday yet. Yours went out as well! I’ll send your tracking number in a PM.

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Daniel, thank you so much for the update! Can’t wait to start cutting!

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Any idea / estimate how far out order #1235 is?

Glad to hear that it went out! I didn’t receive a tracking number either so I assumed it didn’t make it yesterday, but I’ll keep an eye out for it!

Check your spam folder. My tracking hasn’t shown up in email yet but I’m hoping to just go home and it’s sitting there waiting for me lol

You guys are doing great, is there anyway you can let us know when those emails get sent out? That way I be sure to check my spam folder also. I’m glad to see all these projects already.

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Any idea when #1195 will be shipped? I cant wait.

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I’m order # 1304 how long before mine will ship ?

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I’m order # 1289 when’s it going to ship ?

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Continuing the discussion from Are units being shipped by order number?:

So I’m guessing for Order #1329 I’m still going to be waiting a while for mine to ship out?

Im order number 1203 so it sounds like it will be shipped out by tomorrow?