72 Pony Project Thread

I decided to start my own thread… so instead of derailing someone else’s thread I can just derail my own.

I guess you could say I didn’t want to muddy the water in the project thread. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:

As I said I haven’t got much shop time lately as we are getting ready to build a house.

This afternoon I got home from work and the well drillers were working. They usually show up 1 day a week so I went out to talk to them.The driller told me if things go like he thought they would they would get water out next week… then old faithful shot out of the ground. They were stunned. Didn’t have any of the parts to put on it so they had to call for backup. Within an hour the field was flooded.

Guessing about 20 psi. It was shooting 3-4inch rocks out of the pipe.

Tried posting a video. A still will have to do.


This was a couple hours later after they got a valve on it to control the flow a little. Originally they had planned to send a cutter down a perforate the casing in the gravel zone… plans have changed. :joy:


Wow! I would take that as a good omen. Water is good! Oil would work as well…“well” get it? :rofl:

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I know! When it shot out of the ground I asked him if it was oil. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It’s an artesian aquifer we knew it was about 100’ down… and it was a high likelihood our well would be artesian, but didn’t know the gravel layer would be so productive. Guessing it’s well over 500 gpm. I have a ditch right there and the ditch is full headed off the property.


4 posts were split to a new topic: The HeMan Limit Switch Haters Club

A post was merged into an existing topic: The HeMan Limit Switch Haters Club

I am just testing to see if you thread survived the “editor-at-large” efforts…

…ahhh… I see you have your thread back.

Erik, are you feeling like you might have two puppet masters in this project? The five foot one and Tom :wink: