I'm not going to derail your thread area

I need my own thread, “The HeMan Limit Switch Haters Club.” The possibilities are endless. You @ChelanJim. @TinWhisperer and @TomWS could be guest threaders with special reporting from @rat196426 @holla2040, and @Knick.
Also, there are reports on the plasma and consumable world from @mechanic416.
What do you think @72Pony


Sorry But I am pretty busy, and have no formal training in reporting. Wait Wait I forgot to ask does this job pay anything? If so I could possibly move things around.

Thread is already derailed :confused:


Sorry to hear you are busy. It would be totally volunteer.

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I think that’s a worthwhile endeavor, however, I think @72Pony should cut this whole corrupt portion off of his pristine thread and move it to it’s own. If he’s interested, I could do it for him… for a price of course. :rofl:


Here’s your new thread background image, a broken limit switch.


That’s what I’m talking about. Everybody is working together.
@TomWS, I am promoting you as the sarcastic sarcasm editor. And @holla2040 to marketing and development.
Those West Coast boys are still asleep. What’s up with that?


A job for which I am FULLY qualified. Uh, this comes with a pay increase, right?


I think you missed this part!

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@Bigdaddy2166 I would have been honored to have your limit switch discussion under my thread! I actually considered naming my new thread de-railed. I guess it’s never to late to change the name! I’m apologize the first post was totally unrelated to plasma cutting, milling or bending sheet metal. I just thought it was interesting. It’s not the first well I have seen drilled but it is the most excited I have been to see one finished!!!

I haven’t been getting much sleep lately. I have been doing the engineering on our house. I work for a commercial firm so we don’t do allot of houses, but the principles are the same. I have done a few on the side… it’s amazing how much longer it takes to do your own. Unfortunately I have discovered I am allot more meticulous when I am spending my own money… it’s been a good economics lesson. On the other side…. Nobody wants to spend 4x the engineering fee to save a couple bucks. Also one of the team members keeps making changes after I think I am all done. I’m not going to point fingers but she is blonde and about 5’ tall. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:


Wait… what’s my job? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::man_shrugging:t3::joy:


Engineering and Finite analysis coordinator


Get with @TomWS and see if a Totally Derailed Thread would be good. It would be great, like the Lounge, for everyone.

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All I can say, this early in the morning, is that you are in a really good mood for having had Sasquatch bend an I -break on you boat rack!

Going to attempt setting up a robot lawn mower at our vacation home today. Lots of variables. I feel like the first day with my plasma cutter.

Now I derailed both of your threads :man_facepalming: sorry… Not sorry :rofl:


I was sure that only applied to you.

I know my role here.



Limit Switch arbitrary consultant/ THC-IHS crisis coordinator. New avatar, I like it.

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Skeletor for the win!

If you guys want to go down a huge rabbit hole search skeletor memes.

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TinMan, you have been nominated for the position of YouTube training and Plasma Cutter Manuals Director. Plasma Cutter Manuals dating all the way back to its inception in 1957 by Union Carbide. If you need it, he’s got it.


I second the nomination


Count me in for the limit switch haters club. Let me know where to send my dues.