I’d like to create a new thread for 25T owners to share their thoughts, requests, and any issues they’ve encountered. Please be respectful and keep in mind that software development takes time and is often balanced with other priorities.
With that in mind, here are some recommendations to streamline the workflow by reducing the number of confirmation dialog boxes. I’ve kept this video unlisted on YouTube and posted only for forum users to start a new conversation.
Software Version 24.1.3
Thank you! Maybe they will listen to you more than me - I think LS should have pinned a feature request topic on the forum the day the first machine shipped out. I’m curious if they are even open or willing to make any changes at all.
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When I press the pedal down, I want the ram to come down - when I release the pedal, I want the ram to retract, without having to screen press 4 icons each and every time. The only way to partially do this is in manual mode, and it stops and prompts at each and every movement.
24.1.3 has a significant structural change to how the filesystem is loaded and operated. The way its configured now, you can just turn off the press brake without concerns of filesystem corruption.
We do have people working on improving the machine - we just came out with a completely revamped coding framework for the bendcontrol software eleven days ago. Continuous improvement is our goal.
I’ve pinned the topic. Let the feedback flow.