22 Gauge sheet metal

Not sure where to go on this, trying to cut 22 gauge and I set it to the book for a Hypertherm 65. I adjusted the pierce delay in Firecontrol to the lowest setting of 10% and it still blows out and stops.

I used the fine cut settings but using the 45 amp nozzle, I tried taking the amps way down to no avail i also lowered the air pressure. Nothing made any difference.

Any suggestions? Working great in 16 and 14 and 1/4". Should I change other settings?

Is the thin sheet lifting up as it’s pierced? If the THC response time isn’t fast enough, that could cause problems with thin material. I don’t use Firecontrol so can’t make any recommendations, but I do know that thin material is tricky.

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I would try book settings with finecut at 25 or 30 amps .

I have cut some 26 gauge galvanized and I use the book settings at 25 amps .

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I was reminded I needed to update this. good point. I have not gone back to the 22 gauge yet. I needed something with some “arms” that are bendable to be set. Since I was having issues with the 22 gauge, I decided to try annealing 16 guage to see if I can bend it more easily. It is sitting in someones kiln right now.

But I did discover another issue where the fine folks here set me straight. I use F360 for design and Sheetcam for post. Just the way it worked out for me. I was bouncing between the to in establishing work flow and finally chose Sheetcam. So it was a variable I did not think about. Anyway, with help I was able to discover that my plunge rate was way too low and going with the default in Sheetcam which is about 3 IPM and I am told it should be closer to 70 or 100. I changed that in all my tools and my 14 and 16 gauge is working much better. So it is very reasonable to think that it will have the same effect on 22 gauge. Just been busy working on something else. Will go back to the 22 gauge soon.


I had good luck cutting 22 ga using the book settings for my cutter. I also used Fine cut (25A) tips.

I’ve had trouble finding those. My book say 40. Do you take it down to 25 as well. Would you happen to have the part number for the nozzle?

I don’t have the same brand cutter so my part #'s aren’t going to help you.

Okay, it is solved for sure. Just cut a perfect piece in 22 gauge. the plunge rate was killing me. I did take the pierce rate down to 30% in Firecontrol. One thing to remember, if you do a dry run it does reset so you have to check it every time. Thank you all again for helping me get up to speed on this stuff, it has been invaluable. I can’t thank you enough.


That is great to hear you have gotten it figured out… This truly is a great community you just have to put up with and look over a lot of us here.