Z-Axis Setup with THC

I upgraded my torch to the “machine” style and purchased the Langmuir double clamp torch holder, but what isn’t clear is the recommended torch height in which to install. I read and understand the torch compensates for height real time, but is there a soft limit to set in Z, top of slats? Should I home first, and then install the torch to obtain a decent clearance height to start with?
If any of you have the Razorweld Machine Torch, did you end up with one clamp on the chrome section of the body and the other, lower clamp, on the plastic section closer to the torch head? It’s exceptionally long compared to the holder. To get both clamps on the chrome section of the torch (that appears is the engineered location to hold the torch), the Z has to be up really tall to clear the slats and it appears if it homes, Z would crash into the slats at home 0,0,0, but maybe I’m just being overly cautious after my limit switch fun.

You do not want to clamp the machine torch on the lower body, you can bind up the internals and cause cutting issues by binding up the blow back, or even damage it.


It’s OK if the nozzle goes down into the slats, that is actually what you want. So long as you have at least 1" above the slats when you have it all the way up.

You will have to put the LS Double clamp as high up in the carriage as you can, make sure the strap is tight, then put the torch in the clamp with the lower one just above the transition to the lower section.

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There is no 0,0,0 in the homing of the table. It is only homing in X/Y. The Z stays wherever you put it or where is was at the end of the last cut, which should be a clearance height of 1".

The torch needs to have the ability to go lower that the slats, in order for the IHS system to work correctly. If the Z axis bottoms out too early, it will trip the IHS switch and give a false Z zero location.

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Flip the torch mount end for end and will be able to clamp torch in chrome area. There is search in this forum that will show what others have done.

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I was thinking of flipping the holder upside down, makes sense. Thanks for the suggestion.

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I remounted the torch as mentioned, with the holder flipped upside down.

It didn’t take long to find the test run enable slider.

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