My xr was running great. Then one day the y2 motor decided to quit working. Took ballnut out to get better visibility of the motor. Motor spins real nice and smooth by hand. Could see belt spinning too. But when trying to move gantry only the y1 motor runs. All leads are hooked up correctly. Haven’t had the machine long. Cut some small stuff to start with. With summer here, Haven’t touched machine lately til yesterday. Both y motors were very hot to the touch even with everything turned off.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
While I’m not an XR owner, I would think that if you swapped the y1 and y2 connectors at the control, you could help determine if it’s a driver issue or a motor issue.
Just Ran into this same issue this morning while cutting. A couple of calls to customer support helped but taking it apart led me to the solution.
Here is what the problem was:
Y2 seized during cut. With machine off Y1 spun freely by hand but not Y2.
What I did:
Disconnected the motor from its mount but ball nut and upper pulley were still seized. Next I separated the ball nut from the upper pulley. Ball nut spun freely but pulley still seized.
Remove upper pulley from gantry upright and inspect screws that hold the bearing in its seat. On mine, the screw that seat the bearing were loose and digging into the pulley as seen in the photos below.
As you can see, the screws are dug into the pulley. To fix I just tightened the screws back into the mount and everything spun again.
I have yet to put back together and turn machine back on but with everything moving smoothly, I assume it will work.
You are right Simsworx.