I installed some modified Ron Beamon xr splash guards and a front and rear spark curtain for my XR. Here are some reference photos if you’d like to do it as well. The spark curtain is a nice add as you sit at your computer and not get blasted during pierces and cuts. The curtain supports are 15" long x 1-1/2" aluminum angle and the rod is 1/2" EMT conduit. The clear curtain is 12" freezer curtain off the jungle website. All told it was less than $100.00 to build and install. It needs some final finishing touches but is functional at the moment.
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@Twors , Gotta say really nice idea, well done and something I will definitely implement.
@beartooth, It works very well. My computer is not mounted to the table but is mounded to the wall. I have a desk I usually am working at right there designing and setting up cuts while I am cutting. I kept getting showered with sparks from the torch piercing and cutting so this was my solution. no more spark showers. makes it nicer on the equipment as well as safer for me. need any help or have questions let me know, be happy to help.