Xr motor cable plugs (SOLVED - repaired old plugs, spotter fired)

Good day all, I was moving my XR in a tight spot and my spotter was not paying attention, long story short my zmotor plug and my xmotor plug were destroyed. Receptacles ar good but thplugs need to be replaced. does any one know where I can get these to get back up and running. any help would be greatly appreciated.

I think that is just the ordinary RS232 connector.


You might call Langmuir. Perhaps they will send you out a couple.


If you just send us a support ticket using our website here: Support | Langmuir Systems
We can get you sorted out and get you some new ports sent out.


Sorry for not getting back sooner, I was actually able to orient the the plugs correctly, and glued plastic insulator back together, as well as secure the nut back on. So basically bran almost new. Thanks for the responses.