XR initial startups, homing and SD interface

We got our XR up to the point we feel comfortable with table drains to the 55 gal drums under fitted under the table as well as up filling with low pressure. Have a few questions if anyone can share any thoughts on controls on this startup.

Y Axis homing it hits a little hard on the 2 end ball screw support support bolts. It still homes okay but ideally like to not hit that nut before it backs off. Is this just a matter of backing out the home position stop screws that the limit SW contacts ? Seems like the X can hit the LS and stop before the stop bracket. I see the warning message to jog closer to home but can the Y axis not home without overshooting the limits so hard at 120 ipm before it backs back up off the switches?

Tried a test jog after homing basically the machine was at home and just jogged the Y axis to get an idea on squareness in relation to water table ( long axis) and frame all good. Prompted another home and the software glitched out Message I was at extreme limit X software could not deal with being at X home and a home prompt initiated ( basically to get it back to Y home) totally locked up the software needed to power down and push X off home to recover. We can get around this but seems a little odd in coding the home routine.

Ran a simple Sheet Cam file and tried to load it to XR controller via SD card. SD card does not respond. Swapped to another card, no response on SD card. Put USB adapter in and SD card was read through the adapter anyone else see that ? It may be a device manager issue in windows. I am thinking? Having only one USB port kind of sucks and if the SD card slot they built into the controller does not work sucks more Hope fixes will be an easy one .

Another interesting observation is the X axis tube is flaking the powder coating pretty quick about 12’" off home position top side where the rollers run, literally cleaned off flakes of paint and only very limited jogging and a few hits on the break in program. Understood its a low precision guiding method as opposed to THK style ground ball rail system. Not sure the tolerances were inspected on these tubes I suspect they were not kissed off on a machining center before powder coating. Ken

I’ll tag some of the Langmuir techs to your topic.

@langmuir-cameron @langmuirsystems

I don’t believe they work over the weekend.

They’re usually quite responsive I know Friday was a federal holiday in Canada I’m not sure if they had some kind of holiday or issue in the states Friday.

I think there’s a vast difference in price between those units. I think some of langmuirs component choices reflect their desire to produce a affordable product.
I have heard about the powder coat flaking off those rails before.

I’ll tag the link to the support section for anyone who runs this into this in the future.


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I was wrong I looked it are they are almost exactly the same price for a 4x8.

X axis Guide tube . No production time only initial testing. 2x4 steel tubing no holes just a piece of tubing with a long threaded rod compressing it into the aluminum end plates. . Stainless would have been better . We also have about .125 of shim on the lower portion of the anodized vertical torch holder mount to get the torch holder square to the water table . Torch V block clamp center lines were off a bit but still worked.

My areas of expertise are the Gen1/Gen2 CrossFire and the CrossFire PRO machines, not so much the CrossFire XR- I’ll touch base with @langmuir-cameron about this!

That’s not powder coating it’s some type of paint. Mine flaked off after awhile. My check how tight the bearings are adjusted on the carriage. I had to play with mine a while to get it dialed in.

As far as the limit switches make sure you set them as per the instructions. Sounds like they need to be adjusted.

If you home the table and jog the wrong direction it will lock up the software.

Power down the control box and push what ever has hit the limit switches and then power back on home again.

Still no followup on SD card reader in that small W10 PC box no response from SD card reader. - Thinking that may have been bought it from another source and I need to drill into finding that supplier. K

The SD card reader does not have an active driver and isn’t supported. You’ll have to use the USB interface or send files via wifi or internet

This sure looks like the Minisforum N40 relabeled Langmuir Systems MC4000 if you folks are claiming this is your PC please provide us some links for updated drivers. Audio jack does not work either. Minisforum N40 Mini PC with Intel Celeron Gemini Lake N4020 Processor

“The SD card reader does not have an active driver and isn’t supported. You’ll have to use the USB interface or send files via wifi or internet”

Interesting I got the SD card functioning properly performed windows updates and it also found about 7 other non windows updates. Now seeing if we can get the headphone jack to work.
seems the motherboard was not purchased with a sound card best I can tell.

You should have checked your measurements better; you wouldn’t have had to shim anything. And your bearings are set to tight, why coating is coming off rail.

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Think we missed the Z axis setup the instructions are on the supplied PC but it does not have working sound card looking at this on a real PC it makes more sense. We will start over on aligning Z . Maybe this will help someone else anyway . K

looking better guys thanks Rat to slap us right, it is my son’s machine and seems missed a few steps , Using diagonal cross roller guiding can trip folks up as it did me initially it works but needs more attention to detail.

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Good to hear, make sure that all ball nuts get oiled or greased good as well as the x axis bearings, ( use 3 in 1 oil on the x axis bearings).

We did some coarse sanding on the chipped paint followed by wet sanding then a few light coats of matte black Krylon. gantry is pretty smooth now. The stock coating is somewhat irregular and pretty thick.