XR First cuts today and Questions

Hi all, WILL here!
Crossfire XR
Razorcut 45 Machine Torch
Inkscape and Fusion 360 mostly
Arts and Parts Probably
Currently a welder/fabricator looking to break free

Finally got to make first cuts today on the XR and everything went fairly well. The machine is working perfectly with general speed and amp data found here in the forum. I did have a few things that went against my preferences and wanted to ask the questions even though I imagine I will just have to adjust myself to the machine.

  1. Being used to another burn table…Can the X-Y axis directions be changed in firecontrol display or jogging direction? With the computer on the long side of the machine it doesn’t match the work surface direction.

2)Again being used to another machine… Is there a way to zero the “work coordinates” automatically when starting a cut? I find myself moving the torch where I want to start the cut and not Zeroing the work coord before hitting start and off it goes back to the previous cut!.. something I will have to habitually break.

  1. Not enough USB ports? Are XR owners Using a USB splitter to connect : Touchscreen, Wireless remote, Control Box, and Flash drive for cut files?
    BTW it is not recommended to disconnect the touchscreen and then frantically hit the stop button repeatedly wondering why the machine wont stop!! :slightly_smiling_face:

Enough for now, Too many question in the wrong topic!

  1. no there isn’t a way to reorientate the axes differently.

If you stand on the short side of the machine it’ll help your space orientation.

You could reprogram the controller the swap the movement of the two axes but it’s not going to change it in fire control.

  1. unless you’re indexing parts off of home you’re going to have to learn to reset work origin off the corner of that new material Everytime.

  2. there’s been several topics on the Forum about how to load files into your machine without a USB drive. Dropbox, email file to yourself, on a wireless network with a shared file, transfer the file by Bluetooth from another computer. The other option is by splitter for your USB drive. The option I went with is I didn’t use the monitor or computer that came with the XR or the wireless controller. I like being able to use Fusion and Fire control on the same computer and I use a wireless SNES controller clone.

Post some project pics once you get parts coming off your machine.


Hey Thanks, Yeah those are the answers I was expecting but figured I would ask anyway. Just have to get used to a putting my origin in the top left and working 90 degrees out. I will put the rest of my questions in the forum after doing some research…
I will post pics when I make some parts. I designed a support bracket for the torch whip to hold it more vertically where it arches up and into the Z axis, thats project number one.

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You don’t have to put your origin at the top left corner. Just move the torch to where you want the lower left of your design to start and zero the “work” axes there.

The “home” position should not be a starting point, unless you are using work coordinate offsets in your CAM setup.

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Yeah, I understand that. Its just that I am used to designing/cutting In the X+,Y+ quadrant AND the Long side of the table being X. Just a learning curve to figure out how to design within the new orientation.