Wiring Razorweld45 without Voltage Divider for THC

@shaunlb Can you send a picture of your full setup and wiring into the VIM module?

sure. I will get that now. I will send it via DM in the forum. Thanks.

Sounds good thank you! We will take a look.

Did you connect that THC cable to the PV output of the VIM module

Yes I did everything as per the instructions. When the torch makes its first Peirce it read like .5 volts or something minimal like that

How did you connect the cables to the plasma cutter? Did you connect it with Ring terminals, crimped the cable then use heat shrink?

Thank you for your post and your much needed information. I will give it a try. Just to be clear. You are plugging into the box with the banana plugs? Thank you again.

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Can you elaborate on what you mean by plugged into the box? Which box are you referring to

yes, i am using the banana plugs. I also found that i was still getting THC interrupts due to frequency noise and finally installed a USB isolator to fix THC errors. Once I did this all THC problems went away. https://www.amazon.com/SMAKN-Isolator-Digital-Isolation-Industrial/dp/B00XXPO4UG/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=USB+Isolator&qid=1592241893&sr=8-6

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not sure if this is the right thread but I have been trying to make my first cut and I cannot get my razorweld to fire. in Fire control it says the torch started to move before any voltage was sensed??? I do not have air hooked up to the system either.

With out air nothing will work.

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George! I’m surprised that you didn’t say VERY VERY DRY air! Gobsmacked even…

I get tired of sayn the same thing over and over and over and---------------


ok got the air hooked up with inline dryer but darn thing still wont fire… (yes the razorweld is on lol). I keep getting “torch moved before sensing voltage”

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do you have a 2t / 4t swicth on the unit?

the little black box on the side yes

the little black box on the side…is that the langmuir divided voltage box ?..then that is not what I am talking about.

maybe someone with a razor weld will step in soon…

ok im not sure what the 2t/4t is

@toolboy ok located the 2t/4t switch on the razorweld. I am currently in the 4t mode

read this…it might help you diagnose some of your issues