Windows 11 Upgrade

Microsoft has been offering to upgrade the OS on my XR computer to Windows 11. Has anyone done this upgrade with their XR? And if so, any issues with FireControl? There are other threads about this but they are 1-2 years old. I’m more concerned with possible issues with the current version of FireControl.

Did mine months ago. No problems at all.
You will like it much better, once you figure out all the new key strokes. It has no effect on FireControl.


Windows 11 and FireControl had issues about two years ago and I was experiencing them in Nov. 2021 when I first started this journey. But, by December of 2021 they were resolved with updates from FireControl.

I don’t have XR, however.

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Care to elaborate?

I just think it flows better once you figure it out . It has had zero problems running FireControl or CutControl. Not one.
I put off the upgrade to Windows 11 for a long time. A lot of these guys are running old computers that have CPUs that are not compatible with 11. I understand that there is a Microsoft work-around that they have implemented to keep all the corporate computers running windows 10 to try it out. I’m not a fan of work-arounds. Sometimes you just have to upgrade.


Thank you for the replies. I will make the upgrade in a day or two when I don’t have parts that I have to cut.

How did the upgrade go? I’m sick of mine asking me to upgrade…

I have not yet done it. I’ve been busy working 80+ hrs/7 days a week. Plus it hasn’t asked me to upgrade again so I kinda forgot about it.