Will plasma heat warp 0.5mm stainless steel sheet during cutting

I am considering purchasing laser cutting machine but due to high cost it is giving me option of considering plasma cnc cutting machine. Though my concern is if it will give clean cut without or less dross on the edge because of thickness. My material to be working is mainly 0.5mm stainless steel sheet.

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Thin sheets are somewhat prone to experience warping due to the heat generated during the plasma cutting process. Warping can be minimized by use of a water table and the use of Automatic Torch Height Control (THC).


@Nwendu Welcome to The Forum

If you’re worried about heat warping what I do for stainless is I cut at the fastest possible setting that still gives me decent Edge quality . I literally have a bucket of water that I’m pouring on to the sheet as it’s being cut.

When I had my pro table I actually considered building a new water table where I could cut stainless submerged in water.

Also I would buy an original 45 XP and use fine cut consumables.


Thank you so much for the advice and I believe it is very helpful.