When will spare lead screw nuts be available for purchase

Just curious when spare parts will be available to purchase, mainly lead screw nuts. Been running my table nearly non stop for 2 weeks and has more than paid for itself and want to have spares parts on hand if I need them. Recommendation possibly plugs for bottom rail where you access the table bolt having a water table water gets down in tube for now I just put tape over it @langmuir-daniel

@blakebahruth We’ll post all replacement parts on our online store as soon as we get B2 out - if you need something before then, please email us directly and we’ll get it out to you. We want as many hands on the production floor as possible and would rather wait until B2 is out to pull someone away to upload all spares. We’re thrilled you’ve been using your machine so much - your stuff on instagram is awesome!


Thank you and I understand. I just figure if something is going to wear it will be those and just want to be prepared if they do. I cut a few things and things just kind of took off from there. I need to upload some more photos to Instagram haven’t posted all the recent things I’ve done on the cross fire


What size and pitch are the lead screws? Gonna try to extend Y axis.

3/8 - 8 4 start
1/2" of travel per rotation

I should hopefully have mine up and running this weekend…oh and it will be 4’x2’.
I ordered the parts earlier this week :stuck_out_tongue:


Please post pics if it works! or if it doesn’t. Interested to see what others come up. In case I need to borrow some ideas for my own unit :slight_smile:

Sure. I have 2 different designs in my head for extension. Both will work, one may be a little less expensive. I also have a few concerns and designs to fix it but hoping neither are needed.
If Langmuir says it’s ok to post when it’s done I will but I don’t want to shit on them if they have something in the works already

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Post away! We have built the 2x4 and it works well. The only issue with ours is the 3/8" lead screw will tend to whip at rapid speeds. You may find that you need to reduce the maximum speed to prevent screw whip. A 1/2-10 5 start lead screw would cure it.


My issue with my torch mate is the I can’t crank up the acceleration or it slips but it’s only a 2 start acme. Would love to covert to a rack setup one day.