Water, or mixed with coolant?

Hello everyone!

I have a quick question… Do you all run just regular tap water in your waterbeds, or do you mix it with like a cnc coolant?

Kind Regards
Robin Eriksson

Lots of discussion on this…

Search for “Plasma Cutter Fluid” is probably an effective search term.


Oh! Sorry! And thanks!
How do i delete the post? Haha rookie here.

I can delete it, but I won’t. The link will be useful to someone, I’m sure, and it shows great etiquette. Thanks for that!


It so nice to read questions you can make sense of.
Easy to read and understand just like it it should be.

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FWIW, I ordered a 5 gal bucket of green plasma goo from Konzen Chemical Company. I still haven’t unpacked my Pro yet, LOL. I still have to swap garages and get electrical work done.


Alright, thanks for your understanding! It´s been a long time since i last romed the areas of the world wide web forums in this form and shape :smiley: Have a good day :wave:

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Thank you! Aaaaaah that sounds soo frustrating! My ADHD would flip me over backwards if i had to wait for that! I´ll see if i can get a hold of something simular here in Sweden to avoid the shipping cost of a 5 gallon bucket haha!

it is not CNC cooland actually…it should be referred to as Plasma cutting fluid…

CNC covers a lot of different types of equipment’

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The fluid has multiple purposes but one of the primary things is to limit the smoke and debris in the air. The second is to be an anti-corrosive for the table slats. The “coolant” is actually accomplished by the water in any of these mixtures.

I only point that out to suggest @TomWS suggestion of searching other threads will give you many ideas of what people do and some are very inexpensive such as mixing borax in water. So if shipping and cost is an issue, look at the other threads to get some of the pro and cons.

That being said Sterling Cool and Green Cut Plasma fluid are both outstanding.

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