Videos of things I have done in the shop

Well…I am The Old Fart Metal Art…and I did a few videos of some of the things for my table and shop…
this is my first try at some videos…and I know I need to clean them up…but they are some basic information for people looking…

Shop Ventilatio
Table Leveling system with wheels
Table water drasin and refill system
Air drying system
Laser lights


Nice work! Enjoyed the videos. I am almost done with my rolling base. Only been working on it for about a year from when I first started drawing it up. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:.

Got the frame all welded up… working on the leveling feet now. Pretty similar to your setup.

Next up getting my table back to square. :grimacing:

Really like your ventilation setup. That’s my next project I think. As slow as I’ve been on the rolling base I have no idea how long it will take me.


Thanks Erik.
what I like about my table base is that the working surface is now higher…better to work with.

the ventilation works really well…winter and summer…


@toolboy I was just watching your shop ventilation system video again… I noticed a WEN air filtration unit hanging from the ceiling. Is that something you are using along with your air exchanger… or is it something you used before your current system?

@72Pony hey Erik good eyes…was something I had well before my HRV…I just have not taken it down…it plugs to fast with the black dust and does nothing for the fumes…it will go down to my basement wood shop soon…

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Thanks! I was considering buying one of those. I will keep saving my pennies(or nickels :wink:) for a better system.

the HRV was pretty cheap considering…and it can be used all seasons…

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