Video - Pro THC Warped Sheet Test and Gamepad for jogging

I bought a cheap Bluetooth wireless keypad and use the arrow keys to jog. Simple and effective. The pad I have has an on/off switch and I only have to charge via USB every few months. Bit o’ trivia, while at Intel I helped establish the USB standard.

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Which one and when?

It was just USB at the time. I suppose you’d call it USB 1.0. My involvement my involvement was 94 to 98.

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Ah, ok. About the time I was marginally involved. I was at IBM at the time but we couldn’t join the org because the IP terms were essentially giveaways. IBM made too much money licensing IP to go along.

I did go on a great boondoggle to La Costa Resort to attend a USB-IF meeting. That was held the week after Tiger Woods won the Mercedes Championship there and I got to see what PGA Tournament conditions were like :grimacing:

USB has come a LONG way since then!!! From 12Mbit to who knows what now! :exploding_head: :nerd_face:


I then worked for 17 years at a company where we provided the brick and mortar presence for the USB-IF. We did licensing, financials, and ran the compliance program, including the Plugfests and providing technical support. USB has exceeded any expectation anyone ever had.

I’m not so sure about that… the principals at Compaq and Dell were sure throwing around the hyperbole about it. We’ll ignore the fact that it took ten years of grief to get something useful and reliable from it. Ironically it was Apple who knew how to do it right - of course they didn’t have to deal with Intel or MS software to get it done… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: