Using VMWare Fusion 360 on a Macbook?

Has anyone been successful in using a MacBook with VMWare and running Fusion 360 to do the designs and transfer them over to the table controller?

I have been running Fusion 360 from a Mac for about a year without issues.

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Fusion360 is now in the App Store

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As others have stated, you can definitely use your MacBook for designing and toolpath programming in Fusion 360. Once you post your programs, you can use a USB stick to transfer these files to your Windows computer with Mach3 to run the CrossFire.



Are you able to use vmware fusion to run Mach3 ? It should work.

Fusion 360 is in the App Store. I have been running it with no issues. I use Virtualbox to run a Windows 7 portion. Mach 3 works well in this configuration. I would think that VMWare would work well also

I run Fusion 360 on my Mac and then post to Mach3 using Fusion’s cloud posting. Then email my .tap file over to the laptop running the table.