URL problems with main site

As a note, for the last week or so, attempts on Windows 10 to use Chrome (94.0.4606.71) to reach ‘langmuirsystems.com’ (typed directly into the URL bar with no protocol or subdomain,) have resulted in an ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT.

Firefox (93.0) will load the homepage, but does so by resolving to http://www.langmuirsystems.com (no https)

Edge (94.0.992.47) will load the homepage and resolve to https://www.langmuirsystems.com/

forum.langmuirsystems.com’ and ‘store.langmuirsystems.com’ work as typed in Chrome and resolve to an https URL. Clicking the '‘Main Site’ link from either of those will resolve properly to the homepage.

We will set up some redirects to help with these situations. Currently only the www. subdomain hosts the main site and there is no automatic redirect to https. Most browsers will handle this gracefully but some do not.

Thank you for reporting!