Update on the TITAN 25T

Hey Everyone,

We wanted to update you on the TITAN 25T. The team has been busy and we’ve got some great news to share! Our production line is up and running, and the first Titan was finished this week! More of them are rolling off the line as we speak! Here it Titan #1! We’ve been working super hard over the past few months to make this happen, and we’re really excited to get the TITAN 25T into your hands. We’ve been busy setting up our assembly line to ensure we can build these safely and quickly.

So, what’s next? We’ll be sending out Balance Payment emails soon. This means your TITAN 25T order is ready for production! You’ll be able to log into a private site to choose your final options and tooling for your TITAN 25T.

Thanks so much for your patience. We can’t wait to see all the projects you’ll create with the TITAN 25T. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!


Email me Zack I’m ready.:grin:


Same here, had to take some parts to work to form last week. Can’t wait to just do them at home!


Bump for @PlasmaWorx @BrooklynBravest


Congratulations! Titan #1 looks awesome. Can’t wait to receive mine!


Very good news indeed!
Thx for the bump 72!


Any new videos coming showing how the programing works?

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100% Correct. As we finalize the software, we will be publishing entire videos on BendControl tutorials and sample product runs.


Heck yeah! The trailer is ready when you are!

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Is there any update on when these will start shipping?

Hey Natel, good question, you are actually one of the first - so expect an email in the coming week or so :slight_smile: More and more emails will follow as production continues to ramp up


Awesome! Thank you!

Hoping the demo videos etc will come out prior to being notified to make final payment/shipping?

Any update when any of that content might be released so we have a full picture of what were buying, speed it moves etc?

I was just curious if anyone knows how long the month May will be?

Asking for a friend.

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It’s leap year so I think you add another 60-90 days this year. It’s all part of the phantom time theory. Since Titans are actually the first generation of Greek Gods, and the offspring of Uranus… The calendars will all be realigned to when the Titans are shipped. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy: :rofl:


lol…haha…you said Your Anus. Have we had a confirmed shipment yet? even just 1? How about a pic of more than 1 sitting in front of a roller rack? We all know they have 1. how about 2 or 50? what is the assembly time? The tact time if you will. certainly in the 18 days of we are now in production announcement we should have at least 2? just one blessing of a footprint from shipping or unpacking video hitting the earth as we travel around Helios would be an epic event.

…I know it will deliver. I know eventually these will be in many shops around the US maybe even the globe. But this thing wreaks.

You must live a blessed life. Right after posting that I was greeted to one of those magical morning diapers. You know the kind with the poop and the pee all blended together to create an aroma and texture that could knock down army’s!! I guess karma for me trying to bring a little levity to the situation. Somebody is watching out for you for sure!! :mask::face_vomiting::nauseated_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy::rofl::joy:


nothing compares to morning poo. The day will come that you will look back on these days and miss them. PB&J jammed into the VCR. helping Dad on the very first wash of his ne paint job, but drop the cloth into the dirt and wash the hood for you. Good Times… good times


I couldn’t find my oldest after church. He is 4. I finally found him out in the shop. He was pounding screws into some wood with his little stubby ball peen hammer we got him at Harbor Freight yesterday. He really wanted some real tools to replace his plastic ones… and he has started going to the shop and getting mine out. So we went and got him a hammer. I got the stubby ball peen so he wouldn’t t claw himself. I told the clerk as we walked out I would likely regret it.

I got a little worried when he told me this morning He was headed out to work on the boat. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:


Both of mine are almost 40. I will tell you it doesn’t get better. The whole hammer and nail thing will be a fond memory.