UN-reasonable facsimile thereof

There is another knockoff as well. This guy sells plans for his version. $350 Budget DIY CNC Plasma Cutter - Quick and Easy - YouTube


Maybe it will work without changing anything? See what they say.

Hey Ronthomp, how’d you get on converting your machine? I have exactly same machine, I’m struggling with the finer settings with little support so interested in converting too

I just saw this. A friend wanted the Chinese machine so I traded it off. Just today, I bought a second hand Crossfire with the Firecontrol box.

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Hey Ron that’s great news, I’d love to hear how you get on with the new machine. I’m considering exchanging mine tbh. I’m going to upgrade my compressor next week to something bigger with higher cfm as I’m sure that’s my current small compressor with 90l receiving tank is producing much cfm