Um, Yep. I Do Not Know Where to Start

Hello Again,

It is me. Anyway, I purchased the source and license for the Sheet CAM source on a Win 11 machine.

Any day now, I will attempt my very first plasma cut. Interesting to some but this is something I wanted. I do not need it, per se, but will use it to build further in life. My current, the other machines, are mostly cheap and broken. So, thank you to everyone and anyone who had their hands dirty in buildin’ the schematics and datasheets and so on for this 2 * 24" plasma table.

Now, down to P’s and Q’s. Whatever that means…

Maybe it means Problems and Questions? Okay…

So, I noticed after installing the preprocessor, there are two variables that need to be set. I cannot find these variables in the Sheet CAM source. It may be b/c the machine was not plugged in when trying to render builds/drawings w/ the postprocessor. I do not know yet. This is what I am discussing…

You must set both Pierce Height and Cut Height to 0 in the Jet Tool Menu.

I looked vividly in disbelief. I could not find the Cut Height nor the Pierce Height in the Jet Tool Menu.


Those values are set in the tool settings, along with pierce delay, program speed and plunge rate.


I know that was tongue in cheek as you really were not looking for the meaning/origination of the saying but the original saying was “Mind you p’s and q’”

It originated from the typesetters like newspapers, books and magazines. When you look at the small letters, it is easy to put them in switched places because one is the opposite of the other. In reality, the typesetter is setting letters that are backward anyway. They would always do a double check of the typesetting when they were done of: Mind your p’s and q’s. The same could have been said for “d’s and b’s”


The Oxford English Dictionary decided that was an alternative to the (correct) original use in a poem by Churchill in 1763 about teaching kids how to write and minding their A’s and B’s and P’s and Q’s.

Here the OP’s suggested use of problems and questions seems apropos of his situation :slightly_smiling_face:


Man… you are old! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:

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I can believe that one as well. :grin:

As Yoda once said “old is he.”
Or, he would have…had he met me. :rofl:


@ds690 ,

Thank you…I see in the video that these options are available. I will look through the Sheet CAM source soon to see if my set up of the tool is the same or different.


@ds690 ,

Okay, so. You are correct. I started a cutting tool thinking that was the right type. There is another icon below the cutting tool icon.

Plasma! Okay…thank you.


P.S. I will watch the video again to get better acquainted w/ the software. Yes!

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