The OP said the error message was “torch height too high” which isn’t a message I’ve ever heard of, so I’m guessing it was the “torch not in expected condition” error. That error is only reported when the IHS switch is open at the start of the program. The “expected” condition is the switch closed.
The possible problems are that the Z axis is already bottomed out and the switch is open, an IHS wire is unhooked or a wire is broken.
Thanks Jamie! Just what I was looking for, @Lweissman you can run this file in FireControl and watch an IHS cycle, as @jde says, it should leave an 0.063" gap when finished.
You can manually edit the file and change the line:
G0 Z0.063 (Cut Height)
To any reasonable height you want (like 0.100" if you have a precision shim to use for a check).
Just ran the snippet and after complete torch height as measured by feeler gauge was ~.063 depending on how ya measure…like a valve adjustment on an engine…lol… Torch initially way to low and needed to raise it up a good .25 or more to get the IHS switch to grey out a bit above the metal being cut. Then ran the program and got what I got…Hope this all works…