Torch rises when it should be lowering

To start my material is often a reycled agricultural disc which are often not flat. I seen another post with someone having the same option and the solution was to skip the thc option in general so thats not an option here. During the cut (at no conisistent point) while it travels down the curve of the disc the torch begins rising away from the material. The machine does not cut off during this point and needs manually stopped. I checked my THC wires and Points of contact and see nothing visually appalling. Any ideas? I posted a pic of the material i use for refrence. Thanks in advance

I don’t have my XR up and running yet and I have a lot to learn, but based on what I’ve learned from this video which was very informative, you should probably be using “Nominal Voltage” for your THC and not Smart Voltage. Those disc can be very rusty and I would also make sure your ground clamping is good. Other than that I’ll let some of the experts chime in :wink:

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Forgot to paste in the link Langmuir’s CrossFire THC How does it work?

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Update my live voltage has no spiked to 250 while stationary. If i unplug the IHS cable it drops to 0. It will still cut but torch will not move on the z axis during the cut only during the initial press to the material.

Update again i got the live voltage issue sorted and going back to moving on the z axis correctly. Will continue cutting to see if it randomly happens again.

Look at the IHS tang on Zaxis to see if tang is pushed into z axis screw,dont want tang touching z axis screw.


Was exactly what was happening


Well now my live voltage sits at 300 and torch wont lower to adjust most the time.