Torch not piercing

The height remained constant throughout the cutting process since i don’t have a z axis

On the consumables end it doesn’t make since that they would burn so quickly, how would anyone afford to cut anything out if they have to change the consumables 3 times to cut out a sign, when I get to the shop I’ll send some pictures of what everything looks like

I’m going to stop by the local welding shop also to see what they think

So I’ve been in contact with the plasma cutting company and they’ve seen our discussion, we eventually came to the conclusion that my torch was bad, it was the original torch that they had complaints about, so they told me to upgrade to there newer model torch for that machine, I received it today and tried to cut my project again, boy oh boy was there a difference in cut quality, I have a working machine again!!!

Attached are pictures of the cut quality I was getting and what the sign turned out like after it was painted


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I’m sorry to tell ya, but it’s still a fail. This one prints upside down! Still. if looks ok. But even so, ‘upside down’? Who will want to buy something like that?


They must have shipped him the Australian version. Oops!

Hahaha yall think yall are so funny

I really do appreciate yalls help and sticking with me to figure the problem out, thanks everyone

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Oooh, good point! My fail. Of course, the ‘down under’ effect! I am SOOOO stupid!
On the other hand, I think he maybe just had his camera upside down. Regardless, I think, we both agree (mostly ‘cause we’re funnin’ around) that progress has been made in these here parts. So we can move on to annoying someone else :stuck_out_tongue:

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that is a great one Tom…really funny