when I hit start everything works fine, makes first cut then moves but wont fire. I hit retry cut and then generate . I hit start again and it moves, fires, makes the cut then moves to next cut and wont fire. Everything else is working fine, just seems like it will only fire once, cuts fine, THC seems to be working fine. I replaces all consumables, one at a time, same result… it has me stumped.
Your pierce delay could be too short in your program.
Langmuir post-processor artificially lengthens the first pierce so it works. The second Pierce is reflective of your programming.
Make sure your pierce delay is longer than 0.5 seconds.
Do you happen to have a thermal dynamics machine do you?
I have the standard Razorcut 45… The piece I was trying to cut is something that I have cut before, so I assume the pierce delay would still be good.
I haven’t used my set up in several weeks, but the last time I used it, everything was working fine.
Have you checked air pressure?
Air pressure is good… I opened The drain valve on the compressor this morning, and there was no moisture in it. I did not check my air filter to see if there was any moisture in it.
Is it set to 2T on the front. Must be in 2T not 4T.
I cannot find anything that says 2T or 4T…
The button that is circled is the 2t/4t button. You want the setting with a single arrow up and single arrow down. I believe it’s the top setting.
Both of my red arrow settings are lit up on the bottom.
That new information would eliminate the Pierce delay from the equation.
I will switch that to the single arrow up and single arrow down and get everything set up and give it a try. Thanks for the help. Hopefully this will get me going again. I have no idea how that setting got changed.
That appears to have fixed it, I have cut out three pieces without an issue. Thanks so much for the help.