Titan Pricing after Launch

Hi y’all, new to the community and recently heard about the Titan 25T. Unfortunately, that means I’m quite late to the party and likely couldn’t have one until mid 2025. I’m willing to wait that long, but I’ve got some other projects going on right now and would prefer to wait a few more weeks before putting down a deposit. However I see on the website that the current price of $3995 is supposedly a $2000 discount from MSRP for ordering at launch.

I’ve never ordered from Langmuir before but for those of y’all who have bought other products at launch, do they really raise the price afterwards? And if so, has the window already closed for that $2000 discount?

Like I said, I’d prefer to wait before dropping $500 as a deposit for something that won’t be here for another year. But if I need to do it ASAP to secure that reduced price, I can. However if I’m already too late and the Titan will really be starting at 6k + taxes + shipping + accessories & tooling…then I think I’ll make do with my box and pan brake for a while longer and wait for 25Ts to start popping up on the used market.

I can’t believe that they would discount the Titan when they are sold in 2025. It is a great product. I’m one of the lucky ones that have one. I’m still learning about it. It is a game changer.
If you want one, you better get on the list.
That’s the world according to Bigdaddy2166.:grin:


Just do it, $500 is fully refundable if something happens or you change it your mind. I like the waiting, it gives me something to look forward to.


FYI, we put a deposit down about 2 months ago. Our order number is #76807. Langmuir estimates our ship date is around a year away based on a wild-ass guess using their current production volume.

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From what I’ve seen they will raise the price once they get out of the unofficial Bata testing stage. So once they get the back orders filled and the bugs are worked out the price will go up and you’ll have missed your change to get it at the low price.

I think they do this so you can’t really complain about a bug or two. I mean if you get it for 2k under cost and complain people will just think you’re and massive a-hole. haha They are basically paying you 2k to be part of their bata testing group. for some it’s worth it and others choose to wait it out.


Reserve it now. You can refund it tomorrow if you want at least your spot is held in line until you decide otherwise.

Just realize even if the price doesn’t change, which it won’t if you lock in to what they have listed now, it will be around $8000 shipped with the stand, back gauge and taxes. Still an amazing price but it’s not “really” $4000.

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Dont expect any Titan25 to pop up on the used market soon. Its such a bargain as it is. If it does it probably will not be listed less than the $6,000 price.


With the wait time currently, resale would be new price anyway. If not more.

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