Thermal dynamics Cutmaster 40

Hello everyone,
I’m new here, my name is Toby and to start with I’d like to thank you for having me here.
I recently became the proud new owner of a Thermal dynamics Cutmaster 40 (and almost got to spend a night or 2 in the garage because I didn’t seek approval from the department of domestic affairs aka wife before I got it, but that’s beside the point) and am now looking at getting a Crossfire Pro. Will my cutmaster 40 work with the Crossfire Pro? The reason I ask is because I don’t see it on the compatibility chart…
Any input will be much appreciated.

Welcome to the forum…

Sorry to hear you had a hard time with your Domestic Affairs department…been there…ahahaha…nope…wife loves when I am in the garage keeps me out of her hair…

If you thought you were in the “dog house” with the plasma…just wait till you get the Pro table…better start putting supplies outside some where…

you may regret that statement…the old farts here are just grumpy old men…ooops…sorry…that is just me…

As for your choise of plasma cutter…YES…it is compatable…

and you can find a lot more about it by using the little magnifying glass on the top right of the screen

if you click on that and type in the Plasma cutter you have you will see threads where it is mentioned…

this is a great resource to help figure stuff out…


Thanks for the welcome Toolboy, and thanks for the information. I’m going to try the permission over forgiveness approach and hopefully order one of these tables!

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