I'm not going to derail your thread area

Your nominated for head of technical support. All all-around great Yankee.

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I’m not even sure why I’m in this ‘club’! I :heart: Limit Switches! They make life SOOOOOOO easy!

Of course, I’ve got the infinitely configurable Mach3 Controller so I can set my Home position to ANYTHING I want, define the Homing Sequence, Homing Direction speeds, touch offs, etc. I turn my system on, press Home All, and it’s done, ready to go without making ANY compromises in my design!

I LOVE LIMIT SWITCHES!!! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


You should nominate @ds690 as Treasurer!

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It’s because you are the absolute best at sarcasm. I’m going to tell you the truth type of guy.

….his truth** :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:




Ha!! That’s some funny stuff @brownfox

Loving the new avatar!!

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Hold on! This is a total FAKE!

Don’t ask me how I know this!

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I think David might have moved into the role of CFO or vice president of this club. But, I don’t want to overstep my role as chief kibitzer.

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Tell us how your new CNC lawn mower worked out?
Does it operate on CutControl? :crazy_face:


That is true. I believe Mr. Brown Fox has openly proclaimed love or at least complete admiration of limit switches. Who let him in? :wink: :upside_down_face:

The mower has some qwirks that need to be worked out. Sometimes it can’t make it into the narrow space to get into the charging station: my fault. Sometimes it can’t get out of the charging station without hitting a fence post. Still working on it.


We need him for the technical side of this while the TinMan is on Twitch.

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It seems like me after drinking ten scotch and sodas and smoking four cigars.

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I like him, he can stay. He adds some inclusiveness to our club. :rofl:

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You know… Too much soda can cause heartburn!

Just looking out for your health BigDaddy. :crossed_fingers:

So what will the Goal of this club be?
Will there be Dues?
Where will we meet?
When will we meet?
Are woman allowed?
Will there be a Union?
Can you join if your old?
What’s in it for me?

It’s just a place to go without derailing helpful threads.
No dues.
You’re just an essential part of this forum.
And God forbid you give someone your opinion. :grin:


If your ‘what’ is old? Most of what I have is old. And it probably doesn’t matter if you’re old, as long as your feeble mind can still appreciate the silly jokes we make.


I don’t know if I’m even allowed to be in the club anymore. I did buy limit switches for my pro but never bothered even opening the package they came in.

But now now I’m running an XR. So I’m running limit switches…

Maybe I should just take the electronics box off my pro stick it on the XR and not run the limit switches? Jk

I didn’t use any of the other electronics that came with the XR like the computer and monitor only the electronics enclosure and I was thinking about installing those on my pro before I sell it.

I do like the idea of a topic for derailed conversations.


Ok, time to come clear. OG 2x2 CrossFire with XL & Z axis. Limit Switches installed at same time as Z-Axis. Been running for 18+ months with this configuration.

(Knock on wood) No issues. Machine properly homes to Upper Left every time we fire up FireControl. Place material on table and jog to start location. Zero X / Y. Run cuts. Done.

When needed, indexing is permitted allowing > 32" on Y.

Perhaps we’re lucky, but have had no problems with the switches since installed.