THC not working correctly (solved....pinched wires)

Hello everyone. I’m sorry if this has been asked 1000 times, but I’m a little confused. I have a crossfire pro with a THC and it has been working perfectly, until today. I tried to make a cut and the torch didn’t do it usual thing where it touches the metal and then adjusts it height automatically. I have checked my cut height and pierce height, to make sure I haven’t done something daft, but they are the same to what i have used on pervious projects. I know it’s got to be something i have accidentally changed, but I’m at a loss, is there anyone who could help me out. Thank you all in advance.
(I have a video if it helps explain better, but cant upload it here)

Does the z axis move up/down smooth, check all wires to make sure nothing come disconnected at THC switch and at fire controller box.

Yep the z axis moves up and down perfectly, and all wires are connected. I did a test to make sure the voltage was correct and its all registering as ok.

Check and see if THC got disabled by accident of fire control screen menu.


Nope its not been disabled, or at least i believe its not disabled.

Just tried things again, it’s now touching the metal and adjusting its height for the first cut, but when it has to move to make the next cut the torch goes too high and doesn’t touch the metal to adjust for the second cut.

Figured it out, one of the cables was getting caught, im such an idiot :woman_facepalming:t2:. Thanks rat196426, sorry to have wasted your time


Marked this as solved for you


Thank you for following up with issue. This might help someone in future.


Not a waste of time, glad you are up and cutting again.


You need to step up your game if you want me think you’re an idiot. I do stuff like this almost hourly and my wife says I am a very smart guy :rofl:


Game on!!! :rofl:

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