THC issue please help - (SOLVED)

I’m an idiot. In my defense, i’ve never spent any time trying to figure it out… I shouldn’t have to hard wire anything with my set up, is this correct?

No you have the divided voltage coming from the premade harness. You need the THC to VIM Div Output cable I believe. It’s all plug and play.

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Thank you, I owe you lunch.

Let’s get it working!

Don’t give him the big head!!!:rofl: @ScottNH just kidding

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@Phillipw That’s what my father used to say! :smiley:

Mine too. I wonder if there is anything to it?

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I can’t believe that I’ve burned through like 10 sheets of 4’ x 8’ material. I’m laughing at myself right now.

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I believe this is it

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I was about to redesign the wheel with a square.

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Yep, I lied. I do have feelings, I feel pretty embarrassed… hahah

It happens there are a lot of moving pieces when you first get going. Hook it up and run the THC tests in Firecontrol.

Will do, I’ll let you know what I get to close the loop. Appreciate you exposing my inability to read instructions. :rofl:

If you could we’d have to revoke your man card!

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My wife never accused me of not reading instructions. But if it can be broken I have broke 2 and if unbreakable I I have broken 3!


Ran the test and everything was good. If this improves the quality of my work, I’ll be incredibly happy. I was happy with what I was getting, but I don’t necessarily know what to be expecting. Thanks again guys.


Did you get up and running. What part of Utah are you in?

Curious if you ran any cuts and how they came out? If you’re all set the Admins like it if you mark the thread solved.

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how do I mark it solved ?

Why dot you post what the fix was and someone will mark it solved.
That way when someone is searching they know there is a solution that goes with this post.