Thc issue I think

Ok guys so I’ve been cutting with my XR for about 8 months without any issues that weren’t caused by me lol S today I’m cutting like a mad man and all the sudden for no apparent reason I’m losing arc after pierce for about a 1/4" then it cuts fine. Razor 45 super, dry air , new consumables (twice just to make sure) . Oh and ground is on the material and I cleaned the contact area on the clamp as well . This is a first for me so I checked all the usual suspects b4 posting this . Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Upon further investigation the THC just rises randomly . Could that be a program issue ? I’m really at a loss on this one ! I changed NOTHING on the tool program . Cut one sign perfectly , switched to a different file and BAMMM the THC rises either right after the pierce or whenever it feels like it I left a message with tech support guess we’ll see if they get back to me lol


Thanks to Cameron this issue is solved !!! Seems I had my nominal voltage way to high . We have no idea how I’ve been cutting so long and getting good cuts for so long without noticing this issue but for now it’s solved !! I can’t thank Cameron enough for his help !!! He guided me through what I needed to do to help him diagnose the issue VERY quickly !!!

First off, might be a good idea to give our engineer Cameron a call. He’ll be able to troubleshoot with you.

Prior to the arc cutting out, what is your live voltage at the time?

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Might be a good idea because nothing changed . I’ve been running these settings for months and i’ve had great cuts . I cut 3 signs out with no issues today then bam this started happening . Voltage was running about 186 ( exactly what I have it set for ) and didn’t hiccup while I was watching it .