Table shaking and choppy cuts

Been using the table like crazy but recently went to make a cut and it’s no longer a smooth action going around curves etc… table starts shaking and I get a really chopped up edge. Lead screws are all clean,tight and oiled trying to figure out the issue. I ran it through the break in program and everything is smooth in it but not on anything where it switching directions on both axis quickly. Would lead screws being worn cause this issue?

How do the lead nuts look? Can you feel any slop in the machine at all?

Also, double check that the motor shaft coupler set screws are tight.

Haven’t pulled them off yet thought Ide check here first just recently ran into this issue 30mins ago. Thought ide see if that were a possiblity before I pulled them. All set screws are tight and cant feel any play anywhere, I’ll pull the screws and examine them been cutting great till today

If everything feels tight, then I’d take a look at the lead nuts. You don’t necessarily need to remove them. Simply remove the mounting screws and turn the lead nuts by hand to see how they feel. Could be that one of them broke.

I’d also make sure that all of bearings are rotating normally when you jog.

Give me a few and I’ll check but this is what it recently has started doing
And never had this issue before 20181029_162726|690x495

I’d also consider leaving one axis unplugged and running the break in program. Then switch to the other axis. That should tell you which axis has the issue.

I already took them both loose but they are not broke. Should I check threads on insides of lead nuts while they are loose then run through the program as you stated

If they feel ok and rotate on the lead screw fine, then that is probably not the issue. However, before reinstalling them, manually cycle each carriage and see if you can feel any hangups.

X axis /torch carrier feels like its binding up off/on in different places Y axis feels smooth.

Ok, I’d put it back together and disconnect the Y axis and run just the X to see if you encounter any issues.

I’d also recommend restarting your computer. Mach3 can do interesting things sometimes…

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K I’ll give it a try and hopefully it goes smooth. Only other thing I could guess would possibly a bearing going bad and hanging up off and on

Well wasn’t as bad this time cutting the same piece but it’s still doing it and not real sure why its acting up now