Hey Guys
Anyone have a file for a multi piece T. rex skeleton they’d be willing to share?
I want some that I can cut all the pieces separately and then assemble by hand.Haven’t been able to find exactly what I’m looking for online.
Hey Guys
Anyone have a file for a multi piece T. rex skeleton they’d be willing to share?
I want some that I can cut all the pieces separately and then assemble by hand.Haven’t been able to find exactly what I’m looking for online.
If it doesn’t have to be a T-Rex, Fred Nelson has a file (raptor) you can purchase on Etsy.
The pictures he shows online are actually mine, as I confirmed with him to work well on CNC plasma.
I won’t share them because he deserves to make money on his design, however you can find a few more plain variants free for download from another site.
The name escapes me but if I remember it, I’ll post back.
Well I just checked the fireshare link and apparently that design is no longer on fire share.
I can’t believe it was 4 years ago that I downloaded and cut that dinosaur.
I am certain it’s still on one of my computers somewhere I’ll take a look around and reload it to fireshare.
Careful, It may have come down as it was a violation of someone else’s agreement / patent / sale
There is absolutely no way someone has a patent on these Dino puzzles they’ve been floating around for two decades.
I probably have 15 different puzzles like that that have been downloaded from different free sites over the last 5 years.
I think it would be impossible to find the original person who made that puzzle.
Kind of like when that one dude was trying to patent the river table design. Or more recently in the 3D world someone trying to patent the benchy.
If it design is truly somebody else’s I would leave it alone but when I see it reposted for years and years at hundreds of different sites it’s hard to really establish ownership anymore.
Also design patents are real thing that people can file. Maybe someone can find the one for Dino puzzles and post it here.
Just sayin’
Besides, with the technology out there, a body could buy a puzzle like that off the shelf and scan the pieces with any number of tools and convert it over to a cutable puzzle.
We could probably " just say " that about almost everything on fireshare or on makerworld or on every single other file sharing site.
What makes Dino puzzle special?
Show me something truly original, not derivative and I will stand in shock and awe.
Your heart shaped box…
My Quick Change Langmuir attachments (Torch holder, laser, marker, frame laser)
Multiple rocket stoves from other contests here
Crap ton of 3D print files on the various fileshare type sites…
I’ll admit that the creative space was pretty stagnant, then along comes affordable technology that was able to launch peoples thoughts into tangible items not previously available to the average hobbyist.
It will stagnate again, or get so inundated with AI that if I body can think of it, AI already has.
It sure is and AI gives 0 F*cks about your intellectual property or your rights or who owns what.
I have a buddy you just got a 3D printer but doesn’t know how to do CAD work and doesn’t care to learn. He spends 10 times as much time trying to get AI to generate a 3D models for him. He’s starting to get pretty decent at it.
I think this is an interesting topic though.
With the dino puzzle in particular maybe we should search around and see who can find the oldest version of it.
I’m sure some people have their unique Designs dinosaur skeleton puzzles. But I remember putting together dinosaur skeleton puzzles when I was a kid.
Here’s a good video of an old grandpa putting together a old dinosaur 3D puzzle he bought for 50 cents from a thrift store.
This video is 5 years old likely making the used puzzle he is putting together far older than that.
Hopefully somebody’s sending that puzzle manufacturer they’re royalties over for the slip together puzzle design that everyone is using.
If someone has their unique puzzle design I wouldn’t suggest reposting that for free but if it’s a design that’s been floating out in the internet for years and I can download it from 25 different free sites I think it’s fair game.
Here are some kits made by a company called BC bones from the 1990s that were featured on the discovery channels walking with dinosaurs in 1998s.
If you look closely I’m sure you’ll see some similarities with the dino puzzles of today.
So that’s 30ish years ago. And that was only a few minutes of searching I’m sure I could take deeper dive and find far older versions.
The easy way to find them is post the project on Etsy for sale. They’ll find you!
Dino not touched v1.f3d (1.7 MB)
Try this one. Just make sure to scale it to the size of your sheet metal so the slits fit or you will have to go in and change all the slit sizes
Slits should use a parameter table to control width, IMO.
ESTY has several 3D puzzles for download also
plasmaspider.com is a good source and is a cheap annual donation to get download access.
This f3d example of where the " Scale entire sketch at first dimension" works excellently. you will need to toggle this on in preferences.