STUCK... Local Library Missing In Fusion 360 Cam Tools

The Local Library referenced in the training video is not showing up in my Cam tools libraries, any thoughts on what I need to do differently? Below are the images of what I expected to see (first image) and what I actually have (second image)…

Thanks for any help in advance,

From Langmuir Tutorial -image
My Cam Tool Library - image

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That folder is created by the end user. You should not/will not see that folder on your fusion. Once you save to your library, you can create your own. There are lots of videos on F360 library, organization, and such. Hope that helps clear it up. Fusion library can (was for me) very confusing when I initially started out with CAD. I now am able to use it decently with saved tools and favorites and such.

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I’m in the same boat as donmc33.

I tried looking on google and youtube for the answer, but haven’t found it yet.

How do you create your own local library within the CAM Tool Library?

Sorry - We must have missed this.

The local section used to be a default in an older version of Fusion. Are you able to use the “Cloud” section and Rt click → New Library to create a new library like the below (replacing the Local with Cloud section)?

You can always create a tool for just the document you are working in. Storing in Local Library or Cloud is just useful to create a tool that persists between different projects.

I’ll check this on our tutorials machine tomorrow morning.

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You need to go in to Preferences and select “Enable Cloud Libraries”


After that, you will be able to right click on “Cloud” and add a “New Tool Library”.

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Thank you for the information, that worked! The tutorials are really good and it’s great what is represented on them matches with what is actually in the programs. I appreciate that Langmuir is interested in keeping the tutorials current.